August 12, 2008


I just read this phrase, and I disagree - "Traditions are group efforts to keep the unexpected from happening."

My whole belief in celebrating what would be considered the Church Calendar Traditions, is that in simply remembering stories of God showing up in other's lives, I'm creating 'space' in my days for God to show up in my life.

It's a God-consciousness in my days, and that 'space' allows God to do the unexpected in and through me.

But maybe I'm thinking of 'traditions' as something different then the quote means?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I agree with you, but constant God-consciousness about what he's done in the past might avoid unexpected things in the future in that we know His character and we understand what He has done and what He can do and what life is about, and then those "unexpected" things aren't so weird and freaky and unexpected. Even though your quote is taken out of context, it sounds like that wasn't exactly what they were getting at though.

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