December 22, 2007

Peace On Earth?

Has there ever been Peace on Earth? Not since the Garden of Eden and mankind rejected the relationship they could have with God and chose to "do it my way".

So what is peace? What does peace look like? Peace stands at the heart of all the prophets expectations. Their pleas are made as they saw, and still see, people accept poor substitutes.

Do you envision it as lambs in lush grass next to a calm brook in warm weather? Do you think peace means no war? Justice? Of course we want it now!

God doesn't manipulate history from a distance. He entered history birthed as a baby. We'd prefer to focus, in candlelight, on the tender scene of a cradled child in Madonna's arms. Christmas wasn't a one time event. Christmas is about the unfolding of a promise - a promise of peace. God-in-our-midst and the 'Kingdom at Hand' means God is continuing to be a part, through us. His desire is for us to be adopted into his family and activity, and rebirth is not warm and fuzzy and a bowl full of cherries. Advent's message holds both images together.

I did a felted wool picture of my life's journey. I'll post it someday, telling the story. But for now I'll say that a part of the picture is how I imagine peace. I see a huge rock sitting in the middle of a rushing river. The rock is Jesus - solid, unchanging, dependable. I find peace in Jesus, no matter what life throws at me.

Jesus brings peace to my heart and soul. Peace is not dependent on circumstances. Peace is not a what or a where, but in whom.

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