April 10, 2008

Dawson's Photography

Time flies - it's been several days since I last posted. Monday I filled most of the frames I've been collecting, with Dawson's photographs. The goal is to fill our two-story entryway with art, which will mostly be his photos. A king-size antique yo-yo quilt, from Monte's aunt, fills one wall already.

Tuesday evening some of Dawson's classmates from a college Photo Lighting class came for supper - to photograph the food for a class project. We didn't eat until close to eight! but it was fun watching them adjust camera settings, change lenses, set up and move various huge light contraptions and then white boards to bounce the light around. Just a few of the 100's! of pictures they took are on Dawson's photo site.

Dawson's actually been posting pictures for a year now. Sometimes our family happenings get posted there. Like just before the food pictures are several days of Monte and Dawson driving around the NW Colorado corner and over into Utah and Wyoming - as Monte's getting ready to do a field trip for visiting Norwegian geologists.

Wednesday was MOPS. I took a bunch of Dawson's photos to replace photos in frames we already have at church. Our church walls are like art gallery walls, and things are periodically moved around or changed. Dawson has sold some of his framed photos, and has displayed some in an Evergreen Art Center. 

Dawson takes pictures daily and has a good eye - always on the look-out for something to capture.

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