July 6, 2010


A beverage I make often for company and family gatherings is rhubarb-ade. It's my made-up version of lemonade utilizing rhubarb we harvest and freeze. It's gotta be made from frozen rhubarb, otherwise you'd need to break down the rhubarb by cooking. I think I already mentioned in the Rhubarb Crisp post that I freeze rhubarb in 2 quantity sized bags: either a heaping quart measure (so more like 5+ cups) for my rhubarb custard pie (in my Hearth & Home cookbook), or a heaping 2+ cup measure, for the crisp.

From the pie bag measure of rhubarb I make a gallon of the ade beverage.

So, the RHUBARB ADE recipe proportions:

1 heaping quart of rhubarb
1 cup of sugar
1 gallon of water

Mix and cook in saucepan the rhubarb, sugar, and enough water to cover till rhubarb is soft. You have two options: either pour this mixture in a colander and pour the rest of the water to equal a gallon over the rhubarb, OR have your full gallon of water with the rhubarb and strain it all into your serving container. Then of course chill it before serving.

People like this beverage and I often have it requested by guests. I took it this past weekend for our 4th of July gathering. Years ago when Monte was telling a Wisconsin uncle about the drink, he laughed, thinking it sounded like silage (green farm fodder stored in silos for winter animal feed). I don't know if he believed us that it could taste good!

Posted at Gnowfglins

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