August 12, 2008

Company and Clare

Ah, what to post. All our company plans altered, and all at last minutes. But that's ok. The Canadians are coming in late tonight instead of last Sunday - passport renewal, and college paper to still work on. Stan changed plans because of Canadians, but then that changed flight canceled yesterday, so coming in soon today - in today's fuel and airline issues will this be a thing of the future? flights not dependent? So geologists are here today, and I'll be doing a nice lunch and then supper. They all leave tomorrow morning on a field trip, leaving me alone for a few days.

Yesterday, the 11th, was St Clare's day. Most that I know of her is from the movie Brother Sun, Sister Moon, which is not accurate, and a biography I read of St Francis. Much to her families' dislike, she followed Francis into his life of poverty. Francis married her to Jesus, cut off her hair and gave her a brown shift to wear.

I'm not much into the totally cloistered life of the nuns of old. Sure, their prayers availeth much, but to be totally secluded from the world just doesn't seem right to me. In following Jesus, I want to reach out to all Jesus brings to my journey with Him. I do trust though, in His bringing people my way, and not having to 'go out' to do a great thing for Him. I'm sure God brought people to the nuns. And to live in such a way as to hurt the body by not giving it the nourishment it needs... 

We can though think about how much we DON'T depend on God for everything...

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